I believe that recess should go for longer. We can practice more sports,get some fresh air and play more with our friends.
Firstly, me and my friends will always play sports at morning tea and lunch.We play basketball,soccer and rugby. We like to practice and we enjoy playing together.
Secondly recess should go for longer so me and my friends get some fresh air so we can calm down if we are angry. It is a well known fact that fresh air calms people down which can change your attitude.
Thirdly, recess should go for a longer time so me and my friends can spend more time together. We always learn more things from each other which helps build strong relationships.
This is why I strongly believe that recess should be extended so we can practice sports in the fresh air with my friends.
I found it easy to to make the sentences make sense.
I found it hard to put my sentences in the right place.
I really enjoyed writing this text because it was talking about if recess should go for longer or not.
Next time I need to write more thing that makes people want to read thins text.