
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Something Vanished


His hands fell on his hips while he was asking his dog ¨where are my socks¨?.

His face fell on the ground  when his dog replied and said ¨i don't know where they are¨.

His voice sounded like a demon when he said ¨where are my sock¨!

He looked confused as his eyebrows narrowed and he asked his papa ¨Do you know where my socks are?¨.

His shoulders sink to the ground while he excitedly asked papa ¨Are my sock in the laundry?¨.

We were learning about how to show without telling the readers what the story is about. We watched a video about Show Don´t Tell.

I really enjoyed talking about the action of the characters in the story and learning about show don´t tell.

Next time I need to use better words instead of rookie words.Such as awsome adjectives and vivid verbs.

Friday, September 24, 2021



WALT to make inferences about the characters.

We were learning about show don't tell and making inferences about a character.

Timo´s face looked like he was taking a trip down memory lane for his shorts.

His shoulders dropped when he was looking for his shorts at the gate.

Timo stood by the gate speechless when he realised his shorts were lost.

I found it easy to talk about Timo´s face, body and voice. I was decribing the way his face, body and voice showed how he was feeling.

I really enjoyed talking about Timo´s reactions and feelings and what he might be thinking.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Epro 8

On Thursday Miss Lesoa put Room 6 in groups of 3 and 4. 

My group was Manuera, Ziggy, Devontae and me. We had to make a dog kennel with a roof and floor but the kennel had to be over 500mm high and it was 700mm wide 400mm long because the dog was 500mm high. 

So me and my group got 15 ten points because we got to criteria 3 and just finished the braces. 

I found it hard to do the roof because we had to try and make it a triangle shape.

I found it easy to do the braces and the floor because it was easy to bolt up.

Next time we should be a little bit faster and not play around.

I really enjoyed doing epro 8 in that block because I like to build things like my dad. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Gods

This week we have been learning about movie making useing  WeVideo. We learned different camera angles you can use in your movies to make them more interesting.We learned how to edit our videos useing WeVideo.We used the cutting funtion to cut out the peaces that we did not need.Some of us even added audio to our movies.
I found it easy to get the camera angles right and even record my action for on my movie.
I found it challenging to get the timing right and even good lighting and the sound because we could hear the other students in the background.
I really enjoyed making these movies on WeVideo because it lookes like you actually went through the walls and teleport to other places.
Next time we could try working a bit slower so we can make our movie more interesting for the other people that are watching.

Friday, August 13, 2021

He aha tenei


We were learning about written descriptions with visual images and communicating what people or things are doing.

First we looked at the slide and practiced reading the sentences.

Secondly we found pictures of the matching sentences.

Thirdly we went outside to do our voice recording for He aha tenei.

Fourthly we inserted the voice recording on the he aha tenei slide.

I really enjoyed doing the voice recording and doing the slide about he aha tenei.

Next time I need to talk more confidently in my audio recording.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

MY Digital Day


We are learning about how we advertise ourselves online.

We talked about only posting things online that keep us safe.We  learned how tagging photos and posts make it easier to find out about  someone,so we need to be careful about our posts contents.

We created a DLO showing our Digital Day.

Firstly we had to go on a google drawing.

Secondly we had to push ctrl H to look at our history.

Thirdly we had to find the icon photo.

Next we had to post it on our blog.

Friday, June 18, 2021


We were learning to write a persuasive writing with fantastic language future the recess was about if morning tea should go longer or not. 

I believe that recess should go for longer. We can practice more sports,get some fresh air and play more with our friends.

Firstly, me and my friends will always play sports at morning tea and lunch.We play basketball,soccer and rugby. We like to practice and we enjoy playing together. 

Secondly recess should go for longer so me and my friends get some fresh air so we can calm down if we are angry. It is a well known fact that fresh air calms people down which can change your attitude.

Thirdly, recess should go for a longer time so me and my friends can spend more time together. We always learn more things from each other which helps build strong relationships. 

This is why I strongly believe that recess should be extended so we can practice sports in the fresh air with my friends.

I found it easy to to make the sentences make sense.

I found it hard to put my sentences in the right place.

I really enjoyed writing this text because it was talking about if recess should go for longer or not.

Next time I need to write more thing that makes people want to  read thins text.